- Under Dashboard nothing needs to be filled.
- In store Setting nothing to be filled.
In Product manager go to add products:
- Under list a new product create a new product
- Choose price range
- Scroll down to choose kind of art ( abstract, landscape oil, etc from the scroll down menu )
- Next add Title of art work
- In Product short description fill in your name, title of the work, size of the work, medium, style, colors red , blue etc, price, year,
- Under Product description write a short story of the artwork , what you are trying to depict in it, what the customer can know about the works that will help them understand your work and enjoy it.
- Make the work Virtual NOT downloadable
- In attributes choose colors then add value from drop down scroll menu like red, blue, green etc.
- Next under Product tags scroll down and select as many tags you want to add to your work.
- Lastly publish your work.
- For next product repeat the process.