Dick Anthony
As an art student I drew covers, cartoons, illustrations and eventually wrote for my college magazine, which, in turn, launched a career in journalism—two New England newspapers, ten years at Life magazine—and corporate public relations—IBM Ford, Union Pacific and The Business Roundtable, heading PR at the last two and International PR at Ford.
My interest in art began with a lasting admiration of social realists Thomas Hart Benton and Edward Hopper. On retirement, I returned to painting and sculpture full time. My work gradually evolved into the abstract, characterized by curvilinear forms slipping past each other, overlapping, barely touching or colliding, creating movement, tension and mystery. My first show was in Connecticut in 2003; shows there and in New York followed, and I participated in art fairs and shows in the US, Paris, Hong Kong and Shanghai. Collectors in the US, Europe and Japan have acquired my work. My focus today is on-line.