When it comes to choosing artwork for your home or office, it can be tempting to prioritize aesthetics over emotional impact. However, original oil paintings can do both. Not only do they add beauty to a space, but they can also elicit powerful emotions in the viewer. In this blog post, we’ll explore why original oil paintings are more than just decor and how you can experience their emotional impact in your own life. 

The Power of Art 

Art has been used for centuries to evoke emotions and convey messages. From the traditional ancient cave paintings of Lascaux to the contemporary works of Banksy, artists have been using their craft to communicate with their audiences. When it comes to original oil paintings, the emotional impact is even more pronounced. The texture, color, and brushstrokes of the paint create a unique and tangible experience that can’t be replicated by digital art or prints. 

Connecting with the Artist 

One reason why original oil paintings can be so emotionally impactful is that a natural person creates them. Unlike mass-produced prints or digital art, each original oil painting is a one-of-a-kind creation with a unique history. When you buy original oil paintings online, you have the opportunity to connect with the artist and learn about their inspiration, process, and personal connection to the artwork. This connection can deepen your emotional experience of the painting and create a sense of shared humanity. 

Creating a Mood 

Original oil paintings have the power to create a mood or atmosphere in a space. Whether you want to create a calming environment in your bedroom or an inspiring atmosphere in your office, the right oil painting can help you achieve your desired effect. The emotional impact of the painting can also change depending on the time of day or your mood, creating a dynamic experience that evolves. 

Also Read: Capturing Emotion: Using Acrylics to Portray the Human Experience

Experiencing the Emotional Impact 

If you want to experience the emotional impact of original oil paintings for yourself, there are a few things you can do. First, take your time when choosing a painting. Don’t just choose something that looks nice – choose something that speaks to you on a deeper level. Second, display your painting in a place where you will see it often. This will give you the liberty to develop a deeper connection to the artwork over time. Finally, take the time to appreciate the painting. Sit with it, examine the brushstrokes and colors, and allow yourself to feel the emotions that it evokes. 


Original oil paintings are more than just decor – they have the power to evoke powerful emotions and make a deeper connection between the viewer and the artist. If you’re considering buying original oil paintings online, take the time to choose something that speaks to you on a personal level. Display it in a prominent place and take the time to appreciate its unique beauty and emotional impact. By doing so, you can add a powerful and meaningful element to your home or office decor.