Oil Paintings for All Ages: Now Online
Art is, in many ways, similar to eyes: it provides a window into the soul. Life imitates art and vice versa, sealing and eulogizing it in oil only betters the effect. We believe that art is not limited in scope and that if you can’t find your favorite oil paintings due to a lack of time—your favorite oil paintings will find you.
With an experience of over 50 years, the owner of ARTd4 has spent a lifetime indulging in art. The Ashok Jain Gallery is an art gallery that dared to defy convention and embraced the online merely in order to connect better with the people who cannot spare time to visit expansive galleries. Now a vast digital network and collection of numerous original artworks, ARTd4 is specifically notorious for its oil paintings.
Browse through our extensive oil painting collection to buy one that perfectly fits your aesthetic style and design preference.
Red Twilight, Oil on canvas, 40 x 30 inches, Helen Burdon Price, $9000, $6300, on Sale, Red, Orange, Yellow, Trees, Nature, Landscape, Sunset, Contemporary, Modern
Abstract oil painting. $850 24x36 abstract blue Composition contemporary figure Gertrude Korf green Mathematical Happiness modern oil oil painting red Rhythm yellow
In a natural rhythm, ellipses recede like patchy clouds toward the horizon. 48x36 abstract brown circle Composition contemporary Gertrude Korf Line oil oil painting Rhythm Sunset
A design made of pieces of pie on plates. 24x24 abstract brown Composition contemporary Gertrude Korf My pies oil oil painting red
Smile is a healthy Cheshire cat smile (from Alice in Wonderland). 24x24 abstract blue Cat smile contemporary Gertrude Korf oil oil painting smile
Sun and Moon came to me intuitively as a sunrise and new moon rise at the opening into San Francisco Bay. 24x24 abstract brown Composition contemporary Gertrude Korf Moon oil oil painting Sun Sun and Moon Part I
Sun and Moon came to me intuitively as a sunrise and new moon rise at the opening into San Francisco Bay. 24x24 abstract brown Composition contemporary Gertrude Korf Moon oil oil painting Sun Sun and Moon Part II