
  • his along with its sister painting, "Pliedian Seed Crystals", I utilize the flower of life pattern that is being revealed from below the fluid flow patterns of energy. Then I outline the pattern with various types of quartz crystals. Rutile quartz contains titanium fibers of gold and red that let your body accept itself. Titanium is not rejected by the body and the energy of this painting helps one heal physical issues, eating disorders and accept that they are part of the Earth and belong here. Andromeda is a star cluster in the Andromedan galaxy that holds a benevolent healing energy when the painting is utilized as a focal point through meditation. The frequency of the Andromeda galaxy emits a higher human harmonic of violet and blue.
  • Ancient Origins uses bilateral symmetry formations creating metaphors of ancient life forms. Surrounded by sparkling fields of pyrite crystals, these beings come forward from the past to bring hope into the present moment.
  • 13th Diamond Dimension includes 13 Herkimer diamonds embedded in the painting on the end points of 13 resin flow pours. These gemstones are double terminated and allow for sending and receiving spiritual energy. At the base of the painting are topaz crystals that have naturally tumbled up the painting within the resin. The detail shows the vesica or leaf shaped quartz crystal with an inclusion continuing the copper paint flow. Flower star patterns of labradorite gemstones and agate add a sacred geometry energy. This new 13th dimension is being created with our co-creation abilities.

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